Yohan Guyomard

  yohang at mit dot edu

Hello, and welcome to my personal portfolio! I'm a third-year undergraduate studying computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering at MIT. And when I'm not studying, you'll find me jamming at the piano, following some recipe, or working on the projects outlined below!

Coursework & Internships


Internship 2022

Completed two full-stack web projects on the Chrome Web Store.


Internship 2023

Integrated LLDB with Visual Studio with specialized tooling for debugging Android applications.


Internship 2024

Implemented several embedded software features on the Form 4.

How to Make (Almost) Anything

MIT 6.9020

Weekly digital fabrication assignments covering 3D printing, embedded programming, machining and more.

Deep Learning

MIT 6.S898

Graduate-level course covering MLPs, CNNs, GNNs, transformers and ongoing research in deep neural networks.

Microcomputer Project Laboratory

MIT 6.115

Microcontroller projects and the integration of efficient hardware/software systems.

(see all)

Project Highlight

CNC Mill

Entirely* 3D Printed

A 3-axis CNC mill that's almost entirely 3D printed, made in 48 hours. Learn More...


Raytracing on $4 Microcontroller

Implementation of a voxel raytracer optimized to run in real time on an ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller. Learn More...

Bass Guitars

CNC Machining + Woodworking

My adventures in luthiery, woodworking and CNC machining. Learn More...

NFC Brass Rat

3D Printed Class Ring

Some experimentation with integrating tech into jewelry, SLA printing and casting. Learn More...


Online Multiplayer Game

Web-based game using Rust (WebAssembly) and UDP (WebRTC). Learn More...


Quadcopter Built from Scratch

Challenging myself to build just about everything in a quadcopter and writing its flight controller. Learn More...

Older Projects


Autonomous, Cooperative Robots

I built more robots than had ever been built before for MIT's 2.S007 competition. Learn More...

X-Wing Dogfight

Online Multiplayer Game

Fun little game I built to play with my friends. Learn More...


Online Multiplayer Music Experience

A web application for jamming with your friends over the internet! Learn More...


Physics-Based Game

A video game about torturing a ragdoll. Made in 24h for a hackathon. Learn More...

RPG Craft

Minecraft Plugin

Featuring a cinematic scene system, dungeon generation and custom items. Learn More...


Online Multiplayer Game

This was my final project for AP Computer Science, written in Java! Learn More...


Object-Oriented Scratch

I learned to program through scratch as a kid, so I thought I'd make its big brother "soop." Learn More...


Video Game

Physics-based game made in Unity3D. Learn More...

Club Day


Small website I made for my high school's club day. It scaled to a couple thousand concurrent users. Learn More...